Looking for Collaboration?
We’re always looking to collaborate with local, national and international companies who align with our values. If creativity is a necessity and streamlined production is essential then we can help.
If you're a brand looking for information about partnerships or collaboration, please check out "About Trish" page and reach out to us directly at Collab@TrishBhatt.com

Do you have a particular challenge that you're trying to deal with? Or, you need a custom quote?
Contact us today and see what we can do for you.
Please complete the form below or send us a direct email to Contact@TrishBhatt.com (Alternatively, I can also be contacted through one of the social media channels.)
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On various social channels, I actively showcase my exclusive work of photography & filmmaking; and also share the behind the scenes, my expert tips, tricks and occasional reviews & tutorials. So, head to my social channels and join TrishBhatt.com family!
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